Thursday, June 23
The Divine Hours: Prayers for Summertime (pp. 120-122)
To read today's office, click here.
"Behold, God is my helper; it is the Lord who sustains my Life." This word is a word I need today. Our house goes on the market and Kris and I would like a quick sale, my editor has sent me her suggestions for changes to a manuscript I worked long and hard on and editor's comments, even when you've got the best one in the world as I do, are hard to take.
My needs some so minor compared to those of David, who was hunted like prey by his enemies. Or so minor compared to the children of Israel when they found themselves in Babylon and needed a king to take up their cause and give them safe passage back to the Land of Israel. Or so minor compared to the Centurion whose servant was on the edge of death; or the many diseased and ailing that Jesus healed; or the many prostitutes and marginalized that found their way to the table with Jesus; or Jesus himself who was put to death; or the early Christians who were martyrs. And my needs are "minor" compared to these.
But, God cares and no matter how great or minor our needs, they are all needs to God for "God is our Helper." This is not something God occasionally does, it is an attribute of Who God Is.
Just thinking my needs are "minor" misunderstands the greatness of God, for it implies that God is like CEOs who have to decide which employee's concerns and which middle-level leader's issues are worthy of her or his attention. But, God is so vast that our needs are always his concerns, and we can take them to God and God will hear. I bless him for this.
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